The "Access Denied" page does not load completely.

This article applies to:

  • R3000


The "Access Denied" page does not load completely.


If you are using an http proxy server, be sure that the URL redirect and the block page are not going through the proxy.

To accomplish this, you need to set up an exception in your web browser’s proxy settings.  For example, if you’re using Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings -> Advanced -> Exceptions.

In the “Exceptions” list, enter the IP address of your R3000’s block page interface, and the R3000’s hostname

In addition, if you are using a custom block page, you should enter the IP address and hostname of your web server.

You need to make this simple modification on every workstation that’s being filtered.  Normally, you can push this out as a Group Policy from your Active Directory server.

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8e6 KB 276588

Last Modified 1/19/2009.