Authenticat.exe runs but nothing shows in the User Name Logs

This article applies to:

  • R3000


Authenticat.exe runs but nothing shows in the User Name Logs


There are a number of things you can verify:


a)      Navigate to Group à LDAP and verify that your domain is not “Inactive”.  If it is, click on the domain name, go to Domain Details à Alias List, reload OU List and click Activate.


b)     Try to see if virtual IP address is ping-able from your workstation.  If it pings, it means that another computer/server in your network has acquired this address.  This mostly happens due to the fact that ping is the commonly used test to verify if an IP address is available and since in normal circumstances, virtual IP never pings, it some times gets assigned to other hosts.


c)      If test in step (b) is negative and virtual IP address does not ping, please check your router/switch ARP table.  Look for the virtual IP address and see which MAC Address is it registered with.  It should have same MAC Address as your management/block page interface of the R3000.


If problem persists, please contact 8e6 Technical Support.

This article was previously published as:
8e6 KB 276541

Last Modified 1/21/2008.