How to block, or un-block, a site

This article applies to:

  • Web Filter
  • WFR
  • R3000


How to block, or un-block, a site


If you want us to review a URL to determine if we categorized it correctly, please send it to

We also encourage you to submit URLs that are not currently categorized in our library database.

To block a web site on the R3000 Internet filter:

  1. Perform a Library Lookup:
    1. From the filter GUI, click on the “Library” button at the top of the screen.
    2. Click on “Library Lookup” in the left-side menu
    3. Type the complete URL (including the http:// header) into the URL field
    4. Click Lookup. If the URL in question in already in a category, you can either block that specific category or place the URL into a custom created category.
  2. To add a URL to an existing category:
    1. Click on the “Library” button at the top of the screen.
    2. Click on the “+” symbol next to the “8e6 Supplied Categories” link on the left side of the screen. This will expand the list of our categories.
    3. Click on the specific category.
    4. Click on “URL”
    5. Type the URL into the URL field. Be sure to include the proper header information (http://).
    6. Click on “Add”
  3. To add a URL to a custom category:
    1. Click on the “Library” button at the top of the screen.
    2. Click on “Custom Category”
    3. Click on “Add Category”
    4. Type in the description and short name of your category and click “Apply”.
    5. Click on “Custom Category”
    6. Click on “Refresh”
    7. Click on your newly added category
    8. Click on “URLs”
    9. Type the URL into the URL field. Be sure to include the proper header information (http://)
    10. Click on “Add”
  4. Reload the Library:
    1. Click on the “Library” button at the top of the screen.
    2. Click on “Library Update” on the left side of the screen.
    3. Click on “Reload Library” at the bottom right side of the screen
  5. Modify your Group settings to block the new category
    1. Click on the “Group” button at the top of the screen
    2. Click on either Global Group or the specific group that you wish to modify
    3. For global group – click on Rules and choose which categories should be blocked. Include the new category that you just created or just added the site to and this site will now be blocked. Some web sites are particularly difficult to block because they utilize many—and sometimes obscure—URLs For example:

      You can effectively block all permutations of "" using wildcards. First, create a custom category. Then add the wildcard version of the URL (e.g. "*") to your custom category. Go to your Global Group Profile and/or IP Group Profile and move your custom category to the "Blocked" list. Be sure to "Apply" your changes and "Reload Library."

To un-block a web site on the Internet filter:

  1. Perform a Library Lookup:
    1. From the GUI, click on the “Library” button at the top of the screen.
    2. Click on “Library Lookup” in the left-side menu
    3. Type the complete URL (including the http:// header) into the URL field
    4. You will see of categories in which the URL is a member of
  2. Removing the URL from the library:
    1. Simply click on the URL line item in the search return window and click on the Remove button
    2. Click on Reload Library Please do not hesitate to contact our technical support staff for further assistance on this matter.
This article was previously published as:
8e6 KB 276537

Last Modified 9/7/2014.