Does the filter block IM/P2P traffic if a user connects on a non-standard port?

This article applies to:

  • R3000/WF/WFR


Does the filter block IM/P2P traffic if a user connects on a non-standard port?


The filter blocks IM and P2P traffic through pattern blocking mechanisms where it decides whether to block or pass based on the 8e6 proprietary pattern definition file regardless of the port that is being used to connect. Therefore, if a pattern definition exists for a certain IM or P2P client, the filter pattern detection module would still be able to detect and block regardless of the port that is being used to communicate. However, for this to work effectively, it is essential to block relative categories in the profile rule such as Instant Messaging and Peer-2-Peer/File Sharing respectively in addition to turning on service blocking under System tab in the filter GUI.

This article was previously published as:
8e6 KB 276514

Last Modified 4/17/2012.