How do I allow a website but block streaming media on the site?

This article applies to:

  • R3000


How do I allow a website but block streaming media on the site?


The R3000 is a "url based" content and category filter and not a layer 7 or application control. Stopping an application like windows media, apple time, real player blocking is not an R3000 feature at this writing.

That's why if you block streaming media, a "category" not an "application" it blocks the website. The filter is not able to allow a site and block the streaming media portion only, the word "streaming media" is in our category list as a catagory not an application blocking feature.

Since we block URL's. we could technically block the "streaming URL" but that would take a lot of work to find URL's to the radio stream that is always changing. So remember to think "URL's and Categories", allow all or block all not a partial block.

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Last Modified 2/25/2008.