How do MailMarshal SPE license keys work?

This article applies to:

  • MailMarshal SPE


  • How do MailMarshal SPE license keys work?
  • How do you obtain a MailMarshal SPE license key?
  • How do I get a production key and why is it only valid for 30 days?
  • How long do trial keys work?
  • What ports and URLs do I need to have open for the license keys to work?
  • Why has a MailMarshal SPE key suddenly stopped working?
  • Why do I receive an error message "Failed to access SPE validation website"?


Trial Keys

After you download a version of MailMarshal SPE from the Web, a trial key is requested as part of initial setup. Trial keys have a fixed duration of 30 days, which starts from the time of the key generation. Other than the expiration date, trial keys are not limited. If you have a need to trial the product for longer than 30 days, contact Trustwave or your Trustwave Partner for an extension to your trial key.

  • Note: Please DO request an extension prior to the trial end date if you anticipate the need.

The trial key is requested by the SPE Maintenance Agent, which needs to have either direct Internet Access or access via a proxy.

Production Keys


How do I get a production key?

Once you have purchased MailMarshal SPE, you will receive a key from our licensing department. You will need to register this key in SPE as follows:

  • In the SPE Admin Console, on the Left Hand menu, click Global Configuration > System Settings > Registration.
  • In the "Site Id" field enter the registration key as received from Trustwave.
  • Press the "Update" button to commit your changes.

Note: SPE may take up to 30 minutes to register that the Site Id is valid and change the status of your installation. You can speed up this process by restarting the SPE Maintenance Agent on the Web Console Server.

Your MailMarshal SPE key is tied to your SQL database and cannot be used more than once. If you have additional sites please contact Trustwave or your Trustwave Partner.

Key validity

MailMarshal SPE keys are not valid indefinitely.

Your MailMarshal SPE key will always be valid for 30 days from the last time the maintenance agent has contacted our licensing server. Your final key expiry date will be set in our system to the end of your commercial contract.

If you disable access to the licensing server, or stop the maintenance agent, the key validity will not automatically extend and the key will become invalid after 30 days.

As of version 2.3, MailMarshal SPE will send you an alert notification if your key is due to expire in less than 14 days, either through a problem with contacting the license server, or due to your contract expiring.

Access requirements

MailMarshal SPE requires HTTPS/HTTP access to from the server where the SPE Maintenance agent is running. If the global proxy settings are configured in MailMarshal SPE, the Maintenance agent uses these settings to contact the licensing site.


If the key is not registered, suddenly shows as expired, or you receive the message "Failed to access SPE validation website", run through the following check-list to resolve the problem.

Version 3.6 and later

  1. Ensure the Marshal Interface Agent is running. This service could be installed on a dedicated server, on the Admin Web Console server, or on the database server. Try restarting the service and waiting for 5 minutes to see if the key is updated.
  2. Set the Marshal Interface Agent to debug mode (see article Q11719) and restart the Marshal Interface Agent Service. Wait 5 minutes and review the Marshal Interface Agent log files generated in the logging directory of the installation for any errors.
  3. Ensure that the Marshal Interface Agent Server can reach on port 443 or port 80. If the server does not have this access, you will need to either configure your firewall or configure the proxy settings in the MailMarshal SPE System Settings page. If you receive a 403 error (Access Denied) when trying to browse to the site, it means that the server can reach the site.

If, after following these steps, you are still not able to resolve the problem, please contact Trustwave Technical Support for assistance and send the entire log file for the Marshal Interface Agent which contains the debug information as generated in Step 2.

Versions before 3.6

  1. Ensure the Marshal Interface Agent (version 3.6 and above) or SPE Maintenance Agent is running on the Web Console Server. Try restarting the service and waiting for 5 minutes to see if the key is updated.
  2. Set the Maintenance Agent to debug mode (see article Q11719) and restart the Maintenance Agent Service. Wait 5 minutes and review the SPEMaintenanceAgent log files generated in the logging directory of the SPE Web Console for any errors.
  3. Ensure that the Web Console Server can reach on port 443 or port 80. If the server does not have this access, you will need to either configure your firewall or configure the proxy settings in the MailMarshal SPE System Settings page. If you receive a 403 error (Access Denied) when trying to browse to the site, it means that the server can reach the site.

If, after following these steps, you are still not able to resolve the problem, please contact Trustwave Technical Support for assistance and send the entire log file for the SPE Maintenance Agent which contains the debug information as generated in Step 2.


MailMarshal SPE and MailMarshal SMTP are licensed seperately - please follow the instructions in article Q10418 to obtain MailMarshal SMTP keys.



Last Modified 5/8/2014.