What is the MailMarshal dump file?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


  • What is the MailMarshal Dump file?
  • File with extension .mdmp is created in the MailMarshal installation folder


On rare occasions when MailMarshal encounters an internal error, a memory dump file may be created. Errors that generate dump files include memory access violations and unhandled exceptions.

The files are created in the same folder as the offending process. The filename in the format of “processname_timestamp.mdmp” (for instance, MMArrayManager.exe_06-11-10_14.06.50.234.mdmp)

The minidump is a memory snapshot of the running process at the time of the error, and provides good insight into what happened.

If one or more files of this type are present in your MailMarshal folders, contact Trustwave Technical Support for assistance. Trustwave will generally request that you send a copy of the file. These files can be gathered by the Support Tool.


  • Older dump files are removed automatically.
  • It is safe to remove these files from the system manually if they are not required for diagnosis by Trustwave.

Last Modified 3/1/2020.