Select which actions generate an email to the administrator

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal   


  • How can I reduce the number of email notifications sent to the administrator?
  • Too many WebMarshal email notifications
  • I want to be notified when a particular WebMarshal rule is triggered


WebMarshal can send email to the administrator when a rule is triggered. The default rules installed with WebMarshal 3.x are configured to notify the administrator for many content blocking rules, as well as virus and malware scanning rules and scanner failures.

You can select which rule generate email notifications by adjusting the actions in each rule.

To find out which rules send notifications:

  1. In the WebMarshal Console menu tree, select the item Access Policy.
  2. Right-click and select Print, then click OK. A text listing of all rules displays in a new window.
  3. Click the Print icon at the top of the window to print the listing. You can also copy the text to another application.
  4. Search the listing for the phrase Send a notification email to the administrator. Each rule that includes this phrase will send an email when triggered.

To remove or add a notification action in a rule:

  1. In the WebMarshal Console menu tree, expand the item Access Policy. Select the rule type that includes the rule you want to modify.
  2. Navigate to the specific rule. In the right pane, double-click the rule to edit it. The rule details display in the Finish window of the wizard.
  3. Click Back to edit the rule actions.

  4. To remove the email action, clear the box Send a notification to the administrator. To add the email action to a rule, check this box.
  5. Click Next, then click Finish to save the rule.
  6. To make the change active, reload the WebMarshal rules.


  • Quota rules do not provide the email action.
  • Although it is also possible to configure your email environment to blackhole all email sent to the address WebMarshal uses, Trustwave recommends against doing so. WebMarshal sends email notifications for critical failures as well as for the rule notifications.

Last Modified 3/19/2008.