What are the system requirements for Security Reporting Center 2.0?

This article applies to:

  • Security Reporting Center 2.0


What are the system requirements for Security Reporting Center 2.0?


Microsoft Windows Requirements

The following table shows the requirements for Microsoft Windows computers.

Component Minimum Requirements
Processor Dual Pentium III 733 MHz or higher
Disk Space 1GB free disk space. SCSI recommended.
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4.0 or higher
Database Application MySQL
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or higher, or
Netscape 4.5 or higher

Reports rely on Java, which is installed with most browsers. However, Java support is not included by default when installing Netscape 6.0 or Netscape 6.1. If you use either of these browsers, make sure you also install Java.


Multiple CPUs are recommended for large numbers of profiles and/or users. More disk space and memory is needed to analyze large log files. Also, it is best to install Security Reporting Center on a separate, dedicated system which has access to all of the log files.

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Last Modified 6/25/2008.