WebTrends is unable to analyze Volera log files that have entries with a truncated URL.

This article applies to:

  • Firewall Suite 4.X


  • Firewall Suite is unable to analyze Volera log files that have entries with a truncated URL.
  • A GPF error occurs when analyzing Volera log files in Firewall Suite's outgoing cartridge.
  • Error: 'Proxy Analysis...Unexpected termination (task manager or GPF?)'


If the cs-uri-query field of a Volera log file is longer than 2048 characters, "...(TRUNCATED)" is displayed at the end of the field, causing the field to be 2062 characters.

When Firewall Suite analyzes Volera log files that contain truncated URLs, the program will display an "Unexpected termination" error and the analysis stops.


This is a known issue; however, at the current time, there is no resolution for this issue.

This article was previously published as:

Last Modified 4/11/2006.