MailMarshal web components are slow to open the initial page

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) Spam Quarantine Management website
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X Quarantine Management website


  • The Spam Quarantine Management site is slow to open the initial page. Subsequent pages load quickly.


This behavior is not due to MailMarshal SQM settings.

The Spam Quarantine Management (SQM) or Quarantine Management (QM) website is an ASP.NET application running under Microsoft IIS. If the site is not in use by any active session, the application could be unloaded from memory on the webserver. Loading the application can take a number of seconds.

This is a known and intended behavior of Microsoft IIS and ASP.NET.

This issue is more likely to be observed in a test environment or in a small organization where few users are online at a time.


In IIS 7 and above you can prevent the application from unloading by setting the Application Pool Idle Time-out to 0. 

In IIS 6 you can set a long idle timeout.

Another option is to create a scheduled script that requests a page from the SQM. Periodic requests for any page will force the application to remain loaded.

Note that the default behavior is designed to free up unused resources, and preventing the unloading will force IIS to use these resources. On a very busy server this could potentially be an issue.


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Last Modified 4/1/2020.