Should SQL Express or SQL Server be used with WebMarshal or MailMarshal?

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL Express  


  • Should SQL Express or SQL Server be used with WebMarshal?
  • What are the database requirements for WebMarshal?

 For Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG), please refer to Q10829.


This article outlines some points to consider when deciding whether to use SQL Express or SQL Server with WebMarshal.

SQL Express is freely distributable.  SQL Express is provided with current WebMarshal installers. While SQL Express is suitable for smaller sites, it has some limitations.

Major limitations of Free Database Software Versions   

  • SQL Express does not automatically install a GUI interface. However, SQL Server Management Studio can be used. SSMS can be downloaded from Microsoft SQL Downloads.  
  • SQL Express 2008 R2 and above have a published 10GB database size limit. Earlier versions have lower limits.
  • For a full list of limitations, see Microsoft documentation.

WebMarshal Database Recommendations

As a general rule, allow 1MB - 1.5MB per user per month for moderate to light usage.

Note: Heavy usage can significantly increase the growth of the database. Usage varies widely depending on organization type and company policy.

Given these figures, for a typical site, if you have more than 250 regular Internet users, you should consider using SQL Server rather than SQL Express.

WebMarshal is configured to automatically delete data from the database after a specified period of time. By default, data is deleted after 100 days. This is configurable in the WebMarshal Console under the 'Reports' tab. The period of time that you want to keep data for should also be taken into consideration when deciding to use MSDE or SQL Server.

Note: The figures in this article are only an estimate. For more accurate figures you should run the product in your environment for a period of time and produce the appropriate reports to obtain the specific data for your site.

This article was previously published as:
Marshal KB260

Last Modified 4/1/2020.