Only half of the available messages are displayed in the MailMarshal Console

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 8.X and below


  • Only half of the available messages are displayed in the MailMarshal Console.
  • The number of messages displayed in the MailMarshal Console is approximately half of the total number of messages the console retrieves.
  • The MailMarshal Console is not showing all of the messages it reports in the database.


To address this issue, restart the MMArrayManager service.

  1. On the array Manager server, click Start | Programs | MailMarshal | MailMarshal Tools | MailMarshal Server Tool.
  2. Right click on the MMArrayManager service and select Restart Service. (Do not choose to restart any other services.)
  3. Click OK. 

The MailMarshal Console should now display the correct number of messages.

Note: In MailMarshal SMTP version 6.4 through 7.0, restarting the Array Manager also restarts node processing services. For larger installations, this process could take up to 20 minutes. You should schedule the restart to minimize disruption. This node restart behavior does not affect version 7.1 and above.


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Last Modified 5/1/2020.