Redirecting users to another URL when a Rule is triggered

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal


  • How do I redirect users to another URL when a Rule is triggered?


A company may want to redirect users to a specific website (typically company homepage or policy page) in the event of a rule triggering.

Create an HTML page with the code below, and save it to the WebSite subfolder of the WebMarshal install folder.  Save it as Blockedredirect.htm. Edit the code to point to the URL you require. Note that the code as written redirects to

Note: For WebMarshal 6.0 and above, save the file on the Array Manager server, in the folder named Array Manager\Policy\Templates.

Finally edit your blocking rule in WebMarshal to display this BlockedRedirect page. Reload the server rules to effect the change.

Example Rule:

When a web request is received
For any User
And where the URL is a member of Pornography

Block Access to this site and display BlockedRedirect page
Classify the domain as Pornography
And do not process any further rules

Example HTML Code:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; URL=">
<title>Access Denied</title>

Redirecting .....

This article was previously published as:
Marshal KB436

Last Modified 4/3/2008.