How do I optimize the paging file for running Firewall Suite?

This article applies to:

  • Firewall Suite 4.X


How do I optimize the paging file for running Firewall Suite?


To optimize the performance of Firewall Suite, set the paging file as follows:

  • RAM x 2 for Minimum Paging File Size
  • RAM x 3 for Maximum Paging File Size

Exceeding the formula indicated above does not seem to have much effect. In fact, it tends to slow processes down, as any more than three times the physical RAM seems to only increase the amount of time required to run reports. Having said this, please note that it does not matter to what the virtual memory is set if there is not at least as much space available on the hard drive where the operating system is being asked to swap.

You can also move the paging file (pagefile.sys) to a different drive if disk space is an issue.


By default, Microsoft Windows automatically adjusts the machine's virtual memory settings to only 11 MB above the physical RAM amount. This causes the operating system to load faster, not having to cache on the disk. This works well for loading Microsoft Windows, but is not efficient for most other memory-intensive software. For more information on the paging file (pagefile.sys), please see Microsoft Windows help.

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Last Modified 4/12/2006.