How do I increase the number of messages viewable in the MailMarshal Console?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange


How do I increase the number of messages viewable in the MailMarshal Console?



Sometimes it is necessary to increase the number of messages that the Console displays in its folders or search results. This is particularly true for folders which tend to contain larger numbers of messages, such as Spam or archive folders.

MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X:

The current default number of rows per page, and paging control, display at the bottom of the History or Folders view. Select the number of rows or go to a new page using these controls.

MailMarshal 8.X and below:

To alter the default number of messages displayed, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MailMarshal Console.
  2. Click Tools | Preferences
  3. Set the value for Default messages to retrieve in folders or in search results to the required amount (in MailMarshal 5.x the field is labelled Maximum folder items to retrieve.)
  4. See Help on the Console Options window for details on all of the editable options.
  • There is a 10,000 item view limit.

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Last Modified 5/1/2020.