How do I customize reports using templates?

This article applies to:

  • Security Reporting Center 2.1


How do I customize reports using templates?


To create the template, follow these instructions: 

  1. Browse to Firewall Reporting (or Proxy) | Templates.  You will see a list of default templates that cannot be changed. 
  2. Select New Template above the list of default templates. 
  3. Specify a name for the template in the General tab.  
  4. Add the specific 'chapters' or pages you want to see in the Content tab by selecting the small folder icon in the upper right corner of the screen.  Select Done once all chapters have been added. 
  5. Review your customized template in the Summary tab and select Save.
  6. Repeat this procedure for each customized report you wish to create.

To use these customized templates, follow these instructions:

  1. Browse to Scheduler and either create a scheduled event or select an existing one. 
  2. Edit the Scheduled Event by selecting the event name. 
  3. Select the Report Range tab and choose Custom Report.  Edit the Range parameters to suit your needs. 
  4. Select the Report Destination tab and select one of the Static report formats from the left side of the screen.  The right side of the screen will change to include an option for Report Template
  5. From the drop-down list, choose the Report Template your created in the procedure above. 
  6. Review your scheduled event in the Summary tab and select Save.
  7. Repeat this procedure for each report template you wish to create.

Each time your scheduled event runs, it will create a report using the customized report template you created.

This article was previously published as:

Last Modified 4/10/2006.