How do I configure MailMarshal (MailMarshal (SEG) or ECM) to continue processing email when my license key expires?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


  • How do I configure MailMarshal/SEG/ECM to continue processing email when my license key expires?


When the license key expires, the product is configured by default to halt the processing of all email.  You can configure the product to allow mail to flow if the key has expired.


  • If a virus scanner is configured, you may be unable to pass through email because the processing engine cannot start with an unlicensed virus scanner. (The engine will not stop immediately, but it will be unable to restart.) In this case, if passing through email is urgent, disable scanning rules, and then ensure the engine is started.
  • If the product is unlicensed, no rules will be applied to mail processed by MailMarshal. This means you will have no spam filtering, and no content filtering of any kind. 

To configure MailMarshal to continue processing e-mail when the license key has expired:

  1. Launch the Configurator or MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Management Console.
  2. If you receive a license warning, click Ignore.
  3. Open Array Properties License.
  4. In the section "Action if license expires," select Pass through all email.
  5. Click Apply or Save, and commit configuration.


All versions of MailMarshal or Trustwave SEG/ECM provide this option. The user interface and text may vary between versions.

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Last Modified 3/1/2020.