How do I change the time and frequency for delivery status notifications for messages in Queued Domains?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)


How do I change the time and frequency for delivery status notifications for messages in Queued Domains?


For standard priority e-mail, MailMarshal sends a notification back to the sender, if after four hours it has failed to deliver the message. In addition, it sends a renotification every 12 hours, by default.

  1. In the Configurator or Management Console, go to Array Properties | Advanced System Properties | Times
    •  In version 6.4 or below, Server and Array Properties | Advanced | Additional Options Button | Times.

  2. You can view or edit the default times for message notifications here. The Notification field contains three entries, in minutes, for high, normal and low priority e-mail. Similarly, the Renotification field contains three entries for different priority e-mail. In both fields, enter the required time (in minutes) for these notifications.
  3. To turn off the initial notifications entirely, enter a time value in the Notification field, which exceeds the message expiration time (Expiration field).
  4. To turn off only the renotifications, enter a time value in the Renotification field, which exceeds the message expiration time (Expiration field).
  5. You can use the Help button at the bottom of the Times tab for further information regarding each option.

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Last Modified 5/1/2020.