How do I add a message stamp or company disclaimer to my e-mail?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)


How do I add a message stamp or company disclaimer to my e-mail?


You can add a message stamp or company disclaimer to your outgoing e-mails by using the Message Stamping feature in MailMarshal.

MailMarshal can add a standard signature, disclaimer, or corporate message to the end of any outgoing e-mail messages.  Message Stamping is configured as a rule and is defined in the same way as other rules. You can create and configure the message stamps in the MailMarshal Configurator or Management Console.

To use message stamping:

  1. Create a Content Analysis rule.
  2. In the Actions section, select the Message Stamping check box.
  3. Click on the Message Stamp link to select the message stamp to be used. This will open the Select Message Stamp panel or window, where you can select an existing message stamp or create a new one.
  4. After selecting the appropriate message stamp, save the stamp and complete rule creation. 

Note: In some circumstances, message stamping may not be required. Users or e-mail addresses can simply be excluded from the Message Stamping rule.

To create new message stamps:

A new stamp can be created from the Policy Elements | Message Stamps item in the Configurator or Management Console.

Two types of text are used for message stamps: plain text and HTML. Both should be defined, as many e-mail programs send e-mail in HTML format.

Plain text example:

This message has been scanned and cleared by MailMarshal
      an automated e-mail content checking gateway.

HTML example:

This message has been scanned and cleared by MailMarshal an automated e-mail content checking gateway.



For sample company disclaimers, see the default items installed with the product.

This article was previously published as:
Marshal KB26


Last Modified 4/1/2020.