Error: 'Event - SMTPSendAndExpect: Msg B00000002d.00000001.mml Server <XYZ.COM><> no response to "Port Open Greeting" - err 0 - The operation completed successfully.'

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)


  • Error: 'Event - SMTPSendAndExpect: Msg B00000002d.00000001.mml Server <XYZ.COM><> no response to "Port Open Greeting" - err 0 - The operation completed successfully.'


This issue relates to connectivity problems between MailMarshal and Exchange when both are installed on the same server. The Exchange SMTP service typically will have been moved from port 25 to another free port (many Trustwave documents suggest port 97, but any free port should suffice). Exchange may not respond to SMTP sessions coming from MailMarshal on the loopback address


From the Exchange/MailMarshal server, telnet to port 97 (or wherever Exchange is configured to listen for SMTP traffic). Try telnetting to both the loopback address of, and the actual IP address of the Exchange Server. 

Do both IP addresses yield a response from Exchange?  Commonly, the actual IP address will work, but the loopback IP ( address will not work.  If this is the case, then in MailMarshal change the IP address for local domain delivery to point to the actual IP address of the server on port 97 rather than the loopback address

If the above change is made (using the actual IP address in the local domains tab or routing table), then it may be necessary to add the loopback address to the list of IP addresses allowed to relay. Failure to do so could cause outbound mail from Exchange to be rejected by MailMarshal with the error "Relaying denied". See the MailMarshal Relay table or Anti-Relaying feature.

  • To configure relaying permissions in MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Management Interface, see System Configuration | Relaying. For other supported versions, in the Configurator main menu tree open Server and Array Configuration | Relaying.


For more information about configuring MailMarshal SMTP on the same server as Exchange Server, see the articles linked in "related articles" below.

This article was previously published as:

Last Modified 4/1/2020.