Does WebMarshal, MailMarshal (SEG), or ECM work with a named instance of SQL Server?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange
  • WebMarshal
  • Microsoft SQL Server


  • Does WebMarshal work with a named instance of SQL Server?
  • Does SEG or ECM work with a named instance of SQL Server?
  • How do I connect to a named instance of SQL Server with WebMarshal or MailMarshal?


WebMarshal and MailMarshal can connect to a named instance of SQL Server or SQL Express. 

To use named instances, you may need to enable the SQL Server Browser service.

To verify you specified the SQL server and instance names:

  • Enter the SQL server name in the following format:

servername\instancename (for instance, Server01\sqlexpress)

To specify the IP address instead of servername for the SQL server (if connection by server name does not succeed):

  • Enter the SQL server IP address and instance name in the following format:

nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn\instancename  (for instance,\sqlexpress)

For more information, contact Trustwave Technical Support.


  • WebMarshal installation packages may install an instance named SQLEXPRESS or a default (unnamed) instance.
  • SEG/MailMarshal SMTP version 6.5 and above installs an instance named SQLEXPRESS.
  • Marshal Reporting Console installs an instance named MRC_SQLEXPRESS.
  • If you are working with an installation of SQL Express installed by the Microsoft packages, by default the instance is named SQLEXPRESS.
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Last Modified 3/1/2020.