
HOWTO: How do I configure Microsoft SQL to work with MailMarshal (SEG)?

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)


  • How do I configure Microsoft SQL or SQL Express to work with Trustwave SEG?


  • You can use Microsoft SQL or SQL Express to host your SEG/MailMarshal database (all currently supported versions of SEG).
    • Check Release Notes for the SQL versions supported by your version of SEG/MailMarshal.
  • You can install SQL before installing SEG, then select it as the location for your SEG database.
  • The SEG "with SQL Express" distributions include a supported SQL Express version with preset configuration options, that will install inline to the product installation.
  • Note that SQL Express 2005 and 2008 enforces a database size limitation of 4 GB. This limitation is set by Microsoft. In SQL Express 2008 R2 and above, the limit is 10 GB.
  • SEG/MailMarshal generally requires "mixed mode" (SQL and Windows) authentication to be enabled on the SQL Server. SEG also uses network protocols including TCP/IP. When you install and configure SQL, ensure that these features are enabled.
    • For SQL Express, after installation:
      1. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager
      2. Expand the Protocols section (by default Protocols for SQLEXPRESS).
      3. Ensure both TCP/IP and named pipes are enabled. If your SQL server has multiple IP addresses, be sure you have enabled TCP/IP for the interface(s) that the MailMarshal Array Manager and other components will use.
      4. After making changes you must restart the SQL Server service.
  • SEG can use a named SQL Server instance. To use named instances, ensure that SQL Server Browser service is started (check or start it using the SQL Server Configuration Manager).
  • The named instance information is not available when browsing using the SEG interfaces. You can enter an instance name using the syntax:


  • For instance, default installations of SQL Express install as an instance called SQLEXPRESS. If you are using the SEG Server Tool to connect to this named instance on a server called MAIL1, the instance will be:

  • A typical SEG database created on this instance would display in the Server Tool and MailMarshal Configurator as:

    (default for SEG version 7.5 and above) MAIL1\SQLEXPRESS with database name TrustwaveSEG
    (default for earlier versions) MAIL1\SQLEXPRESS with database name MailMarshal

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