Authenticating requests based on X-Forwarded-For

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal 7.5.0 and above


  • How do I apply IP authentication based on the X-Forwarded-For header of a request?


WebMarshal IP Authentication normally evaluates the connecting IP address.

You can configure WebMarshal to authenticate based on the X-Forwarded-For header included in the request. 

This option allows you to authenticate and apply policy based on the client IP address where the requests pass through a load balancer or other device before reaching WebMarshal.

WebMarshal considers only the first IP address in the first valid X-Forwarded-For header.

To configure X-Forwarded-For evaluation:

  1. Create one or more WebMarshal IP Groups that include the IP addresses of the original clients. 
  2. To configure the trusted sources of forwarded requests (such as load balancers), add entries to the WebMarshal Proxy Configuration file (WMProxy.config.xml) on each processing server
    • The XFFEntry range should only include the load balancer IP addresses, not the client IP addresses
    • Most installations will have only one XFFEntry element, but you can include more than one XFFEntry element if necessary
    • Include quote marks but not braces

    <XFF enabled="true" >
    <XFFEntry from="{IPaddressStart}" to="{IPaddressEnd}" />
  3. Restart the WebMarshal Proxy service.


  • WMProxy.config.xml will include other entries. Do not change the other entries.
  • XML files are case sensitive.
  • For general information about editing XML settings files, see article Q12705.

Last Modified 8/31/2022.