Configuring SNMP for Alerts

This article applies to:

  • NAC 5.x 


  • How do I configure SNMP alerts on NAC? 


To alert to SNMP, set up the SNMP information as an Alert destination on NAC.

  1. Navigate to the following location: Configuration > Organization > Alert Destination > SNMP
  2. Complete these fields:
    ◾Name - Meaningful Name
    ◾Protocol - SNMP
    ◾IP - IP of SNMP Destination
    ◾Port - Default (162)
    ◾Protocol Data  - Community String where applicable.

Configure Policy Alerts or Appliance Alerts and then manually trigger one of these events by matching on a condition.

Verifying Configuration:

You can test that NAC sent an event to the SNMP destination by running a packet capture with tcpdump.

To capture SNMP traffic to the default port, you can use the following tcpdump command. If you are not using the default SNMP port, adjust the command as needed.
tcpdump -vvi mgmt1 port 162

To trigger an event, a device must move from one zone to another.

Last Modified 5/5/2017.