Changing a SIEM LME/SE Hostname

This article applies to:

  • SIEM LME/SE 2.3.x


  • How can I update SIEM when the hostname must be changed? 


This article addresses procedures needed to update the host name information and SSL certificate for hostname changes to single-tier and multi-tier SEIM LME/SE installations.

  1. Collect certificate information, such as whether the certificate used is a third party or self-signed certificate, and the certificate details:  Country Code, State or Province, Locality, Organization, Organizational Unit, Common Name, and Email Address.
  2. Log in to the SIEM UI as Administrator. 
  3. Navigate to Configuration > Nodes.  Select DA tier and navigate to Network > Domain/Hosts.
    • For a single-tier installation, select the single-tier and navigate to Network > Domain/Hosts.
  4. Edit the DNS Domain Name field for this tier as desired. 
  5. Save the configuration and restart Network Service.  For a single-tier, skip Step 6.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each tier, saving the SDW tier as last.
  7. Log out of the SIEM UI.
  8. Log in to the SDW Command line interface (CLI) as root. Change directory:
    cd /opt/nsm/certificate/bin
  9. Run ./ postinstall
  10. Create a certificate using the information collected in Step 1.
    •  Note that if the installed certificate was a third-party signed certificate, you will need to request a new certificate from the signing Certificate Authority.


See the appropriate Administration Guide for further details on certificate generation.

Last Modified 4/12/2017.