Creating a Proxy Traversal with the Desktop Client

This article applies to:

  • App Scanner 8.x


  • How do I create a proxy traversal with the Desktop Client?


  1. Open the App Scanner Studio.
  2. Check the current proxy settings:

  3. Note the ports for HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) traffic:

  4. In the Traversals window of the Studio, right click on any white space to open the context menu. From the context menu, click New Proxy Traversal...

  5. On the Proxy Settings window, name the traversal.
    • If you would like App Scanner to automatically set the proxy settings in Internet Explorer, leave the 'Configure Internet Explorer Proxy Settings' box checked.  
    • If you plan to use another browser, uncheck the 'Configure Internet Explorer Proxy Settings' box.

  6. Click Start Recording. Internet Explorer will open or focus. If you want to use another browser, open it and set the proxy settings to the ports noted in the second image. 
  7. Navigate to the application and interact as desired.  
  8. When you are done recording the traversal, click the Stop and Save buttons on the App Scanner Studio.

  9. If you were not using Internet Explorer, re-set the browser proxy settings to the normal values.


App Scanner will automatically configure your local copy of Internet Explorer with the required proxy settings.  After the proxy traversal is complete and saved, the proxy settings will be reverted to their original state.


This article was previously published as:
Cenzic Solution 399

Last Modified 1/4/2017.