Recommended formats for large detail reports

This article applies to:

  • Security Reporter


  • What format should I use when saving or exporting a detail report?
  • What are the fastest report formats to generate?
  • Are there limits on the size of detail reports?
  • How can I decide what format to use for a detail report?


Security Reporter allows you to download and schedule reports in PDF, HTML, CSV, or XLS format.

Detail reports that have a very large number of lines can take a long time to generate and can consume memory, disk space, and other resources on the reporting appliance and client workstation. In extreme cases a report can fail due to memory or disk limitations.

Trustwave suggests the following size limits for the output formats:

Number of Records Format
Up to 10,000 Any formatĀ 
10,000 to 50,000 PDF, HTML or CSV
50,000 to 250,000 HTML or CSVĀ 
Over 250,000 CSV

Determining the number of records

To determine how many detail records will be returned, use a Summary Drill Down report.

  • If the result set is larger than 100,000 records you should consider narrowing the set by applying additional filters.
  • Select a format based on the suggestions above.


  • Formats in order from fastest to slowest generation are: CSV, HTML, PDF, XLS.
  • Time to generate a report depends directly on the complexity of formatting.
  • SR can generate reports with many more than 250,000 records in HTML format, but many browsers will not be able to render the resulting HTML pages.

Last Modified 12/8/2013.