Using other SQL versions for the Trustwave Discover database

This article applies to:

  • DLP Discover 5.x and greater


  • Which is the best database to use with Discover?
  • I experienced corruption in the Scan database. Do I have any other database software options?


Discover 5.x and earlier uses the Microsoft SQL Compact database engine for the Scan database. Occasionally the Compact database experiences corruption.

As of V6.0 the Compact engine is no longer supported and a new version of SQL must be installed and used.

Discover can also use other Microsoft database server software, including free and licensed versions. If you experience corruption with the default compact engine, you may wish to install a different version.

Supported Database Software

Trustwave Discover supports connecting to the following databases and inherits their known limitations.

The most important limitation with regard to Discover is the maximum database size.

  • Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 supports a maximum database size of 4 GB.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 supports a maximum database size of 4 GB.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 supports a maximum database size of 10 GB.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012 supports a maximum database size of 10 GB.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard, 2008 R2, and 2012 Standard (Licensed versions) do not have an artificial limit on database size. These versions require a paid license from Microsoft.

Discover 6.1 supports SQL Server 2014.


To install SQL Express (free versions of SQL Server) and configure Discover to use it:

  1. To install a better SQL Server database:
    1. Choose a SQL Server version:
    2. Select a download based on whether the  system is 64-bit or 32-bit:
      • ENU\x64\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe
      • ENU\x86\SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe
      • The "WT" downloads ("with tools") include the Management Studio for troubleshooting
    3. Download, and run the installer. You can accept default settings.
  2. Configure Discover to use the SQL Server to store its database instead of the default compact SQL server
    1. In the Discover interface, navigate to “Settings | Scan Storage”
    2. Click Scan Database Connection
    3. Select SQL Server Express 2012 (or 2014) from the Type dropdown
    4. The Server name will pre-populate with <Local System Name>\sqlexpress . If you used a different name for the instance when installing SQL Express, enter it.
    5. Select Use Windows Authentication unless you chose to enable SQL Server Authentication during the installation.
    6. Click OK.
  3. Discover will then restart to complete this configuration change.


If you experience database corruption, please open an issue in the Trustwave TAC portal

Last Modified 7/7/2016.