This article applies to:
- Configure mobile client 3.0 package
The new Package Configuration window—accessible via the Mobile Client Deployment Tool—includes new features and some existing labels and criteria as in the former Mobile Client Configuration Editor window:

Package Information frame (new in this release) displays the Path information for the package to be configured, formerly displayed in the Package loaded field at the bottom of the Mobile Client Configuration Editor window.
Network Settings frame includes the same criteria as in the former Network Settings frame in the Mobile Client Configuration Editor window.
Automatic Update Settings frame (new in this release) is used in conjunction with the new Mobile Client Updater (MCU), a new, optional component which, if installed on workstations, will automatically update the Mobile Client via deployment by the Web Filter or a Web server you maintain. An entry in the Update URL Base field is only required if using a Web server to deploy updates to clients.
Application Options Settings frame (new in this release) is used for specifying coding that will modify the behavior of the Mobile Client if specific applications on your network need to be accommodated.
The Package Configuration window File menu includes the following options:
Save: Saves your edits and launches the Mobile Client Package Contents page.
Save As...: Opens the Save Package window where you specify the name for the package to be saved, and launches the Mobile Client Package Contents page.
Save and Quit: Saves your edits, closes the Package Configuration window, and launches the Mobile Client Package Contents page.
Apply Defaults: If the new “Save as defaults” option was specified in the Package Information frame, the saved defaults are applied to the current, selected package.