This article applies to:
Can we set a time-limit on internet usage?
At this time the R3000 provides a time limit for internet surfing only in the GlobalGroup>IP section(see below)
Note: Global Groups and LDAP do not have this time based feature.
Here is a work around, to use it as a time based filter for one domain or web site:
1. Log in to your R3000 filter
2. If an IPGroup is not created yet, go to Group>IP> add group
3.Click on your new group or single user you just created and look for Time Profile as shown below

4.Select your time as in military time 1300=1pm
5.Click add and the profile will popup
6.Now you can block everything and use custom categories as the only site(s) they can visit.
7. To setup custom categories go to
8. Type in article 276539 in the search bar to build custom categories and allow web sites.
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