3004 - MailMarshal Array Manager Cannot Connect to the MailMarshal Database (MMArrayManager errors)

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave SEG/MailMarshal
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


Event ID: 3004
Type: Error
Source: MMArrayManager (MailMarshal SMTP) or MEXArrayManager (MailMarshal Exchange)
Description: MailMarshal Array Manager Cannot Connect to the MailMarshal Database


This event is raised whenever the MailMarshal Array Manager is unable to connect to its configured database.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Determine the server name, instance name (if any) and database name of the existing MailMarshal database.
  2. Determine a valid credential (SQL login and passsword, or Windows domain\login and password) that MailMarshal can use to connect to the database.
  3. Ensure that SQL connetivity is available between the Array Manager server (or standalone MailMarshal server) and the database server. (Use named pipes or TCP/IP).
  4. Use the Server Tool, on the Array Manager server, to verify the database connection.

Last Modified 3/15/2020.