How do I move MailMarshal to a new server?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


How do I move MailMarshal to a new server?


This article describes the steps involved in moving your existing MailMarshal setup to a new server.
Also see documentation on moving the SEG Array Manager, found on the SEG documentation page.

  • If you plan to install a newer version on the new server, and you want to keep your existing configuration, you can follow these steps first and then upgrade.
  • If the new version allows upgrade from the previous version, you can also make a clean installation and then import configuration.

MailMarshal SMTP/Trustwave SEG 
MailMarshal Exchange 7.X

To move a single-server MailMarshal installation to a new server and maintain your configuration (rules and settings):

For a more detailed set of steps, see article Q16411.

  • On the new system, ensure anti-virus exclusions are in place (see Q10850).
  • Install the same version that is installed on the old system. If you have set a custom database retention period, create a temporary database.
  • Import the old configuration and all required backup items (see the User Guide).
  • Set the database retention period if you want a period other than the default 100 days.
  • If you need to move the database, see the following article:
    • Q10410: How do I move my MailMarshal SQL or MSDE database to a new server?
  • If you installed with a temporary database, use the Server Tool to select the production database.


  • To move the Array Manager only, see Q10413.
  • To move processing to a new processing server, you can simply install the MailMarshal software and join the array. Ensure anti-virus exclusions are in place (see Q10850).
  • If you plan to de-commission the old server, once the new server is running you may want to migrate quarantined email; see Q10412.

Make necessary mail routing changes

For MailMarshal SMTP, after moving to a new server or adding a processing node, you will need to make sure that your firewall settings or DNS MX records are changed so that incoming mail is now routed to the new MailMarshal server. Likewise, outgoing mail should be forwarded from your mail server to the new MailMarshal server. Before de-commissioning the old server, ensure that no mail flows through it.

This article was previously published as:
Marshal KB71

Last Modified 4/1/2020.