How do I change the number of days that emails are retained in the DeadLetter folders?

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X
  • MailMarshal
    • Functionality not available in MailMarshal 10.X


How do I change the number of days that emails are retained in the DeadLetter folders?


In Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 8.X, you can use the MailMarshal Configurator or Management Console to change the retention for Dead Letter folders. Edit the properties of each folder. For details see Help.

In ECM this setting can be changed, but requires editing the SQL database directly.  Care must be taken when editing the SQL database directly since some changes could cause MailMarshal to stop functioning correctly.

Warning!  Changing the records in any database table is not supported unless directly instructed to do so by Trustwave Technical Support.

To change the setting:

  1. Open the database using SQL Enterprise Manager
  2. Open the Folder table (Open Table | Return All Rows).
  3. Change the RetentionDays column on the Dead LettersMalformed, Routing, Encryption, Undetermined, and Malformed Mime folders to your desired period (in days).
  4. Restart the MailMarshal Array Manager Service.
  5. Open the Configurator and make a rule change (i.e. disable and then re-enable a rule).  This sets a flag that indicates that there are changes to be replicated to the node(s).
  6. Click Commit Configuration Changes to force the new retention settings to be replicated to the node(s).

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Last Modified 5/1/2020.